Case Study

Luxury Hotel

To significantly increase their guests’ satisfaction, a 9,000-room luxury hotel chain sought to engage and focus every employee on the actions that would better serve their clients and increase their loyalty.

With FranklinCovey’s 4 Disciplines of Execution® methodology, they engaged thousands of employees in a daily and weekly cadence of activities designed to dramatically improve the most important performance metrics throughout each hotel

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Enables organizations to execute strategies that require a change in human behavior.

FranklinCovey has studied the question of why some organizations execute with excellence while others falter, at a perhaps unprecedented level. Both top performers and their lesser-performing counterparts have pockets of known great performance
—units where customers are delighted, employees engaged, and economics strong.

Both top performers and lesser performers also have variability in their performance.
The key difference is the shape of their "variability curves" —top performers' curves are "righter and tighter" than those of lesser performers. They are simply better at institutionalizing what they already know how to do in pockets.

Among lesser performers, the enormous energy required just to maintain day-to-day operations—the "whirlwind"—undermines the achievement of their top priorities. Top performers’ whirlwinds are no less powerful, but they establish processes for engaging their people toward the execution of their most important goals in the midst of the whirlwind.

Our Execution Practice Helps Develop Leaders who:

  • Define the few, critical actions with the greatest impact on achieving desired objectives.
  • Focus their teams on executing with excellence on these key performance levers.
  • Drive team and individual engagement and accountability.
  • Our 4 Disciplines of Execution methodology, processes, and tools help organizations:

Our methodology, processes, and tools help organizations:

  • Achieve a dramatic increase in the consistent execution of critical goals and objectives.
  • Significantly increase engagement and morale while increasing accountability.
  • Develop an organizational culture of execution that becomes a sustainable competitive advantage.
  • Develop their next generation of high-execution senior leaders.
“70% of strategic failures are due to poor execution of leadership. It’s rarely for lack of smarts or vision.”
—Ram Charan, Best-Selling Author and Global CEO Advisor